Glossary of Options Terms -- T

Take Delivery - To fulfill the obligation of buying stocks when put options that you sold becomes exercised.

Technical Analysis - The method of predicting future stock price movements based on observation of historical stock price movements.

Theoretical Value - The price of an option, or a spread, as computed by a mathematical model.

Theta - One of the 5 option greeks. Theta determines the rate of time decay of an option contract's premium. For more details on how Theta works and how it is calculated, please visit Option Greeks.

Ticker Symbol - Symbol representing the shares and options of a company's shares traded in the stock market. MSFT is the ticker symbol for Micrsoft shares while MSQFB is the ticker symbol for Microsoft's June29Call options.

Time Decay - The reduction of a stock option's premium value as expiration date draws nearer. See "Theta" above.

Time Spread - see Calendar Spread.

Time Value - Also known as "Premium Value" or "Extrinsic Value". It is the difference between an option's price and the intrinsic value. Read more about how Stock Options Are Priced.

Topping Out - A peak point where the sellers begin to outnumber the buyers.

Total Return Concept - A covered call writing strategy in which one views the potential profit of the strategy as the sum of capital gains, dividends, and option premium income, rather than viewing each one of the three separately.

Trading Limit - The exchange imposed maximum daily price change that a futures contract or futures option contract can undergo.

Trend - The direction of a price movement. A trend in motion is assumed to remain intact until there is a clear change.

Triple Witching - Prior to 2001. The third Friday of March, June, September, and December, when stock options, index futures and options on index futures expire. After 2001, the introduction of Single Stock Futures transformed Triple Witching into Quadruple Witching as single stock futures expire on the third Friday of every quarterly month as well.

Type - The designation to distinguish between a put or call option.

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